


World History

Then Again




The Annotated Bibliography



I. Purpose

In writing a research paper, the number of sources you use is not as important as the quality of sources and the thoroughness with which you conduct your research. This annotated bibliography will give you a chance to review your research to this point so that you might evaluate the quality of that research and make sure that your research is covering all the important aspects of your topic.

II. Procedure

Make a bibliography of all the sources you have used so far in your research. Divide the bibliography into three sections: one for primary sources, one for general survey texts and a third for monographs.

    Note: These bibliographies need not be in alphabetical order, but should have the complete name of the author and the complete title and the year of publication.

    A. Primary sources

Identify the primary sources you have found most useful in your research so far. Then, after the bibliographic entry, in one or two sentences, explain why you have found these sources useful; that is, summarize what you have learned from them.

    B. General surveys

General surveys are those works which, like the texts used in Trads, cover a large geographical area or a long period of time. The author usually relies on other secondary sources, rather than on original primary source material. In the second section of your annotated bibliography, list the general surveys you have used. Identify those which have proven to be most useful in providing the background information you need for your paper and, in one or two sentences, explain why they have been useful.

    C. Monographs

Monographs are those works written usually by a single author which cover a narrow, specialized subject. These works are usually based on original research using primary sources. In the third section of your annotated bibliography, list all of the monographs you have consulted. In one or two sentences, summarize the author's thesis.

    D. Further research.

Finally, in one or two sentences, identify areas in which you still need to do further research. If for some reason you have difficulty completing this assignment, attach a note explaining what the problem is.

III. Evaluation.

  • A. You will receive a maximum of 5 points for listing the primary sources you have consulted and for describing their significance for your paper.
  • B. You will receive 1 point for each source you identify as a general survey supplying background information for your paper up to a maximum of 3 points.
  • C. You will receive 1 point for each monograph whose thesis you correctly identify up to a maximum of 3 points.
  • D. You will receive 2 points if you include a statement concerning further research and that statement clearly indicates a direction for further research, if it is necessary.
  • E. You will receive 2 points if the bibliography is typed, double spaced and includes all of the required information.

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