I. Instructions for the Student
- When you have completed your working draft, take it along with this form to the tutoring office in the basement of the Student Services Building.
- Have the tutor read through draft, make comments and sign the form.
- Revise your draft in light of the tutor's comments.
- Submit this form and your working draft along with the final version of your essay.
II. Instructions for the Tutor
- This student has been asked to write an argumentative essay. Would you please look over this working draft and check for the following?
- Does the essay have a clearly stated thesis?
- Do each of the paragraphs have a topic sentence?
- Is each point in the argument supported by reference to specific information?
- Is there a conclusion which restates the thesis?
- You should not line edit the draft, but if you notice a recurring grammatical problem, would you please point it out to the student?
- Thank you for your help with this project.
III. Comments:
Tutor Signature:_________________________________________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: _____________________
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