- 960-976: The Reign of Chao K'uang-yin
- 1024: China issues the world's first paper currency.
- 1044: Peace established between China and the Hsi-Hsia
- 1069-1076: Wang An-shih
- 1069: Reorganization of imperial finances.
- 1070: Organizes a conscript militia.
- 1071: Labor services replaced by cash payment.
- 1072: Opens state banking and barter offices.
- Golden Age of Chinese Landscape painting:
- Late 10th c.: Tung Yuan
- c. 1020-90: Kuo Hsi
- c. 1040-1106: Li Kung-lin
- 1051-1107: Mi Fei
- Scholarship:
- Encyclopedias:
- 977-983: T'ai P'ing Yu Lan
- 1005-1013: Ts'e Fu Yuan Kuei.
- 1007-1072: Ou-yang Hsiu
- 1066-1084: Ssu-ma Kuang's history of China.
- 1036-1101: Su Tung-p'o
- Philosophy:
- 1017-1073: Chou Tun-i
- 1032-1085: Ch'eng Hao
- 1033-1107: Ch'eng I
- 1130-1107: Chu Hsi
- Technology:
- Use of tea spreads throughout northern China.
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources