Slavic Origins
The Byzantine Empire
Kyivan Rus
Appanage Russia
Muscovite Russia
Imperial Russia
The Soviet Union
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1613-1645: Reign of Michael I Romanov. Beginning of the Romanov Dynasty 1682-1725: Peter I, The Great 1700-1721: The Great Northern War 1703: St. Petersburg is founded. 1722: The Table of Ranks is established. 1725: The Academy of Sciences is founded. 1733-1735: The War of the Polish Succession 1756-1763: The Seven Years War 1762-1796: Catherine II, The Great 1764: Church lands are secularized. 1772: First Partition of Poland 1773-1775: Pugachev Revolt 1774: Treaty of Kutchuk-Kainardji 1785: The Charter of the Cities and the Charter of the Nobility are issued 1793: Second partition of Poland 1795: Third Partition of Poland. 1801-1825: Alexander I 1805: Russia joins the Third Coalition against NapoleonAge of Revolutions Chronology 1812: Napoleon invades 1815: The Congress of Vienna ends the Napoleonic Wars. 1825: Decembrist RevoltAge of Revolutions Chronology 1825-1855: Nicholas I 1826: The Third Section of the Chancellery is created. 1829: Treaty of Adrianople 1830-1831: Polish RevoltPoland Chronology 1855-1881: Alexander II 1855-1856: Crimean War. 1861: The Serfs are Emancipated. 1881-1894: Alexander III 1894-1917: Nicholas II 1904: Russo-Japanese War 1905: 1905 Revolution 1914: First World War begins.World War I Chronology 1917: The End of Imperial Russia March 8-15: The "February Revolution" July 16-17: "July Days" Sept. 9-14: Kornilov Affair Nov. 7: Bolsheviks seize power, the "October Revolution." Resources Primary Sources Secondary Sources
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources