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Rise and Fall of Empires




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Mediterranean Chronology

Ancient Greece

c. 2000 to 50 BC

It is ironic that the collection of city-states that made up Ancient Greece could have had such an impact on so much of the world.  Greece never achieved the political or economic dominance of the Persians or Romans, but the cultural legacy of Greece contributed to the development of Roman, Sassanid, Islamic, Western European and even Indian culture. 

c. 2000-1300 BC: Minoan Civilization

  • c. 850-800 BC: Homer
  • c. 800 BC: Hesiod
  • 776 BC: The beginnings of the Olympic Games
  • c. 600 BC: The beginnings of Greek Philosophy
  • c. 594-508: Development of Athenian Democracy

c. 500- 300 BC: The Hellenic Period--Classical Greek Culture

  • 499-479: The Persian Wars
  • 480-404 BC: The highpoint of Athenian culture
  • 431-404: The Peloponnesian War

c. 300-50 BC: The Hellenistic Period

  • c. 336- 323 BC: The Conquests of Alexander the Great
  • 323: Ptolemy becomes ruler of Egypt (Ptolemaic Kingdom)
  • 306: Seleucus founds the Seleucid Kingdom
  • 279: Celtic invasion of Balkans and Asian Minor
  • 276: Antigonus founds the Antigonid (Macedonia) Kingdom


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