The Hebrews as Pastoral Nomads
- c. 1950 BC: Abraham leaves Ur for Canaan.
- c. 1600 BC: Hebrews move to Egypt
The Exodus
- c. 1570-c. 1280 BC: Hebrews enslaved in Egypt
- c. 1280 BC: Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt
- c. 1280-1250 BC: Hebrews wander in the Wilderness.
From Pastoral Nomads to Early Agriculturalists
- c. 1250 BC: Joshua begins conquests Canaan.
- c. 1250-1200 BC: Hebrews conquer Canaan.
- c. 1200-1020 BC: Rule of the judges.
From Early Agriculturalists to Urban Society
The Hebrew State and the Empires of the Ancient World
- 722 BC: Assyria conquers Israel.
- 586 BC: Babylon conquers Judah.
- d.585 BC: The Prophet Jeremiah
- 586-539 BC: Babylonian Captivity
- 539 BC: Exiles return from Babylon
- 516 BC: Dedication of second temple
- 332 BC: Conquest of Jerusalem by Alexander the Great
- 250 BC: The Septuagint is published
- 168 BC: Maccabean Revolt
- 63 BC: Roman conquest of Jerusalem.
- 37 - 4 BC: Reign of Herod the Great:
- c.27-30: Period of Jesus' ministry.
Christianity Chronology
- 66-73: Jewish rebellions against Romans
- 70: The Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem
- 73: Fall of Masada
- c.70: Herod's Temple is destroyed.
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources