- 1497: John Cabot lands in North America.
- 1513: Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain.
- 1524: Verrazano explores North American Coast.
- 1539-1542: Hernando de Soto explores the Mississippi River Valley.
- 1540-1542: Coronado explores what will be the Southwestern United States.
- 1565: Spanish found the city of St. Augustine in Florida.
- 1579: Sir Francis Drake explores the coast of California.
- 1607: British establish Jamestown Colony.
- 1608: French establish colony at Quebec.
- 1609: United Provinces establish claims in North America.
- 1612: Tobacco cultivation introduced in Virginia.
- 1619: First African slaves brought to British America.
- Virginia begins a representative assembly.
- 1620: Plymouth Colony is founded.
- 1636: Rhode Island is founded.
- Harvard College is founded.
- 1650-1696: The Navigation Acts are enacted by Parliament.
- 1663: Charles II grants charter for Carolina colonies.
- 1682: Pennsylvania is founded by William Penn.
- 1689-1713: King William's War (The War of the League of Augsburg).
- 1692: The Salem Witchcraft Trials.
- 1696: Parliamentary Act.
- 1699-1750: Restrictions on colonial manufacturing.
- 1702-1713: Queen Anne's War (War of the Spanish Succession).
- 1733: Georgia Colony is founded.
- 1740-1748: King George's War (War of the Austrian Succession).
- 1740s: The Great Awakening.
- 1754-1763: The French and Indian War
- 1763: Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War.
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources