World History Chronology

Evolution of Hominids

Foraging Societies

Settled Agriculture

Primary Urbanization

Classical Empires

Unification of Eurasia

Unification of the Hemispheres

Formation of World Culture

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Expansion and Contraction of River Valley Empires

3200 BC - AD 400

While the cities of a particular region may have begun as self-governing political units, over time these city-states were brought together into a single political unit, usually by force. These larger political units are known as empires.  The earliest empires were centered on river valleys where intensified agriculture had developed.

Expansion and Contraction of Mesopotamian Empires: 1400 -600 BC

  • 1400 BC: Weakening of central authority in Assyria and Egypt
  • 1020- 586 BC: The Kingdom of Israel
  • 745 BC: Restoration of Assyria
  • 625 BC: Rise of Babylon

Egyptian Civilization: 3100 BC - 332 BC

  • 3100-2686 BC: Archaic Period
  • 2686-2181 BC: Old Kingdom
  • 1991-1636 BC: Middle Kingdom
  • 1578-1085 BC: New Kingdom
  • 1085-332 BC: Late Dynastic Period
  • 332 BC: Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

Harappan Civilization: 2600 -1300 BC

  • 2600-2500 BC: Harappan Civilization is at its height
  • 2000-1900 BC: Harappan Civilization collapses
  • c. 1300 BC: Aryans migrate into the Indus Valley
  • c. 1000 BC: Aryan migrate into the Ganges Valley

The Early Chinese Civilization: 2205 BC- AD 220

  • 221-207 BC: Qin dynasty.
  • 206 BC- AD 9: Former Han dynasty

The Mesoamerican Civilizations: 2000 BC- AD 925

  • 2000 BC-AD 925: Mayan Culture
  • 2000 BC: Beginnings of Mayan culture
  • AD 325-925: Mayan culture at its peak

The Andean Civilizations: 600 - 1538

  • 600-800: Huari and Tiahuanaco empires
  • 1438-1538: Inca Empire.

The Niger River Civilizations: 200 BC - AD 400

  • c. 500 BC: Nok culture
    • c. 500-450 BC: Development of iron smelting
    • 500 BC - AD 500: The Bantu migrations
  • 200 BC: Jenne-jeno founded
  • AD 400: Height of the Niger River city-states

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources

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