World History Chronology

Evolution of Hominids

Foraging Societies

Settled Agriculture

Primary Urbanization

Classical Empires

Unification of Eurasia

Unification of the Hemispheres

Formation of World Culture

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River Valley Empires

3200 BC - AD 400

While the cities of a particular region may have begun as self-governing political units, over time these city-states were brought together into a single political unit, usually by force. These larger political units are known as empires.  The earliest empires were centered on river valleys where intensified agriculture had developed.

Mesopotamian Empires: 2340 -1600 BC

  • 2340 BC: Sargon Akkad takes Sumer, establishing the first empire.
  • c. 2125-2027 BC: The Third Dynasty of Ur
  • 1900-1600 BC: The First Babylonian Empire
    • c. 1900 BC: Ammorites establish Babylon
    • 1792-1750 BC: Reign of Hammurabi
    • c. 1600 BC: Invasions by Hittites and Kassites destroys the empire

Egyptian Civilization: 3100 BC - 332 BC

  • 3100-2686 BC: Archaic Period
  • 2686-2181 BC: Old Kingdom
  • 1991-1636 BC: Middle Kingdom
  • 1578-1085 BC: New Kingdom
  • 1085-332 BC: Late Dynastic Period
  • 332 BC: Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

Harappan Civilization: 2600 -1300 BC

  • 2600-2500 BC: Harappan Civilization is at its height
  • 2000-1900 BC: Harappan Civilization collapses
  • c. 1300 BC: Aryans migrate into the Indus Valley
  • c. 1000 BC: Aryan migrate into the Ganges Valley

The Early Chinese Civilization: 2205 BC- AD 220

  • 221-207 BC: Qin dynasty.
  • 206 BC- AD 9: Former Han dynasty
  • AD 25--220: Later Han dynasty

The Mesoamerican Civilizations: 2000 BC- AD 925

  • 2000 BC-AD 925: Mayan Culture
  • 2000 BC: Beginnings of Mayan culture
  • AD 325-925: Mayan culture at its peak

The Andean Civilizations: 600 - 1538

  • 600-800: Huari and Tiahuanaco empires
  • 1438-1538: Inca Empire.

The Niger River Civilizations: 200 BC - AD 400

  • c. 500 BC: Nok culture
    • c. 500-450 BC: Development of iron smelting
    • 500 BC - AD 500: The Bantu migrations
  • 200 BC: Jenne-jeno founded
  • AD 400: Height of the Niger River city-states


Primary Sources

Secondary Sources


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