- 1898: Germany begins its naval buildup
- 1905: First Morrocan crisis
- 1912: The First Balkan War
- 1914: The Battle of the Marne
- 1916: The Battle of Verdun
- 1917: The United States enters the war
- 1917: The Russian Revolution
- 1919: The Treaty of Versailles
- 1929: The Great Depression begins
- 1933: The Nazis take power in Germany
- 1931: Japan invades Manchuria
- 1939: Germany invades Poland
- 1941: Pearl Harbor is attacked
- 1943: The Battle of Stalingrad
- 1945-1961: The Yalta System Breaks Down
- 1956-1975: Towards peaceful Coexistence
- 1975-1989: The End of the Soviet System
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources